Amina and The Aswan Dancers

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This page is dedicated to our friends who worked so diligently

transliterating and translating the songs we love so much.


The first section is songs we learned while singing with Aswat (which means voices in Arabic) is a non-profit public benefit corporation based in San Francisco at The Arabic Cultural Center and is organized to provide for and instruction in, exhibition, presentation, and discussion of Arabic Music, art, poetry, literature, theater and culture, generally, and to provide a forum for the public expression of Arabic music, literature, poetry, theater, art and culture.

Aswat, founded by Nabila Mango in 2000, is dedicated to promoting the Arabic culture through its music and song. It is an institution that expreses the rich heritage of the Arab world. "We want our children to know more of our culture than just the food. We want them to love and appreciate our musica nd dance, our poetry, our literature and customs. We can only do that if we establish long-term institutions that will outlive us and perpetuate the culture that we love. We want to embed the love of Arabic music in our families, schools, organizations and the larger community." Under Nabila's leadership we have performed at many public events and universities and were invited to and performed at the Seattle Arabic Festival in 2001.


Songs compliments of Aswat

baktub ismak ya Habibi

el helwa dee

fogel nakhal fog

hawwil ya gannam hawwil -



Baktub Ismak ya Habibi 

Baktub ismak ya habibi
'alhawr il'atiq
Biktub ismi ya habibi
'aramliit tariq 
Bukra bitshati iddini 'al'isas limjarr aha

Yib'a ismak ya habibi wismi binmaha

Bihki 'annak ya habibi la hali ilhaiy
Bithki anni ya habibi lanab'at ilmaiy

Lamme biduri issahar 
Tahti 'enadil 'massa
Byheku 'annak ya habibi w'ana bintasa
Wih deeitni wardi farjaiy tha lid sh'abi

Khabbaytha biktabi 
Wzh ra'ta'alim khabet
Wihdeytak mazhriye' ma kint tidariha
Wlaiti't ni fihea tada'it lihdiyye'

Wibit'llibit hubni wme bta'r'f addaysh
Ma zalak bit hubni laysh dakh ak laysh


El Helwa Dee
(This Beautiful Lady)
(by Said Darwish)

2x El Helwa dee aamit ta3-gin fil badryia
   Widdeek biyidan cu cu cu cu fil fagriyyaat
   Ya-llah binah 3al-la baballah ya sa-nay3iyah
   Yig3al sabaHak sabaHel kheir yasta 3atiyyah

Tili3i'nnahar fataH ya 3aleem
Wil geb mafishi wallah malleem
Min fil yomen dol shaf talteem
Zayyil sanay3iyyal mazaleem

Dassabri 3omro Taaa...l
Min ba3di wa'fel Haaaa...l
Yalli ma3aakel maaaa...l
Bardul fa'eer loh rabbi kareem
Bardul fa'eer loh rabbi kareem


Ma tshiddi Heilak yaabu SalaH
Idribha sarma ti3ish mertaH
Khalli'ttikalak 3al fattaH
Yalla bina yallal wa'tahou raH

2x	 women Ishamsi til3at / men Wel mulkee lelaah
	women Is3a li riz'ak     / men Khaleeha al allah
 men  Ma tshil addoumak 

 all Wil 3idah w yallah!

verse 2x

alternate version (translated by Nicole Ibrahim)

El Helwa dee aamit taa-gin fil badria
This beautiful woman got up to do her dough at dawn
Wideek beinda cu cu cu cu fi il fagria
And the rooster crowed at dawn
Ya-llah binah al-lah ya sa-nay-iah
Let's go and make our living by the name of God
Yigal sabahak sabah il kher yasta atiyah
Mister Atiyah I wish you a good morning so let's get up

Sabah eh sabah fatah ya aleem
God bless this morning, I don't know what's in store.
(Protect me from this morning)
Wil geb mafish wallah maleem
My pocket is empty of money today
Bes il mazg tayeb wil saleem
But my mood is good
Noor il lamal amalak ya raheeem
God give me the light of hope
Wisabere tayeb al wim gayr il ahwal
Patience will change all the bad and you have hope
Yele ma-ak il mal bar-do il fayr lo rab kareem
Even though theyn may have money, poor people have God too.
Ee-dee fi edak ya boo salah
Salah's father put my hand in your and get up
Madam maalah te-ish mertah
If you believe in god you will live in peace
Kel-ee it-ti kalak al fatah
Leave it to God
Yallah binah it fager ahu laah
You better get up and hurry up before the sun is too high

E Shams tell at / Wel mulkee lelaah
The sun has risen / and God is king of this all
Egre lerizak / Khaleeha al allah
Go after your living / Leave it to God, he'll help you out
Mat sheel adomak wel adah ou yallah!
Why don't you carry your pickaxe and the rest of your equipment and let's go!


Fogel Nakhal Fog

2x		Fogel nakhal fog
		Yaba fogel nakhal fog
		Madri lamea khaddah yaba
		Madril gomar fog
		Wallah mareedah     Balani balwah


2x		Wallah ya majral mai
		Yaba sallem aaleyhom aaleyhom
		Saabaril furgah aalay
		Yaba_shtigna ileyhom ileyhom
		Wallah mareedah     Balani balwa
     (second time - repeat mareedah)

		(verse) Fogel nakhal fog etc.

2x		La rafigal aurban yaba
		Washrab labanhin labanhin
		Kullil banat injoum yaba
		Hebbi gomarhin gomarhin
		Wallah mareedah    Balani balwah

2x		(verse) Fogel nakhal fog etc.


Hawwil ya Ghannam Hawwil

Hawwil ya ghannam hawwil   bat il-laylah hayn
Qulli ya ghannam bal-lah   shayif hubbi wayn

3ahadni-l mahbub w balu   yiji ylaqini
W malu ya ghannam malu   ma biywafini
Ya sidi-il 3urban wallah   bahlef bidini
3atarik-il 3ain ghadi   ghadi shufti-zzein
(Qulli ya ghannam bal-lah   shayif hubbi wein)

Y tawwil 3umrak ya ghannam   raddeit ruhi layy
Qulli ballah bayin 3ain   shuftu bayin mayy
Kan qalbi min qabli w saluh   nishwi bnaru shayy
la 3am bakul wala 3am bashrab   baqali yaumein
(Qulli ya ghannam bal-lah   shayif hubbi wein)

Allah y sabbir qalb il3ashiq   ya ukht- il3urban
Wyijim3ik bihabib qalbek   bijahi-  rrahman
Tihthi bih wyihtha biki   wit3ishu-b aman
Rouhi allah ykoun ma3aki   balki tlaqi-zzein
(Qulli ya ghannam bal-lah   shayif hubbi wein)

Wein ya ghuzlan-elbarr   shared qhazali
Min minkum yirda 3alayy   wiyrayyeh bali
Ya jbal wya widyan   irthi lahali
Ya manakeb ya ghudran   wein hubbi wein
(Qulli ya ghannam bal-lah   shayif hubbi wein)


The Aswan Dancers
829 Elizabeth Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 282-7910
